6. Case Five: An Angel’s Message to a Praying Girl
About three years ago, a little nine-year old girl who sometimes came with her mother to our Monday prayer meetings for the country, had a rare experience. There had been an election the outcome of which had made many very sad. That night, after the announcement of the electoral results, she and her sisters went to bed weeping that her ‘friend’ – Jonathan – had been dishonestly denied the outcome of the presidential elections. Her mother had also contracted their tears and everyone had cried. That night, she had a rare dream, as she sometimes does. For example, about a year ago, I shared her unique dream about the strange death – and why – of a bloody gubernatorial candidate in a Middle Belt state of Nigeria whose name she had not previously known. She had woken up announcing, to the disquiet of her mother, “The governor of X State is dead! The governor of X State is dead.”