VACANT THRONES (Part 4 of 4)

6. Case Five: An Angel’s Message to a Praying Girl

About three years ago, a little nine-year old girl who sometimes came with her mother to our Monday prayer meetings for the country, had a rare experience. There had been an election the outcome of which had made many very sad. That night, after the announcement of the electoral results, she and her sisters went to bed weeping that her ‘friend’ – Jonathan – had been dishonestly denied the outcome of the presidential elections. Her mother had also contracted their tears and everyone had cried. That night, she had a rare dream, as she sometimes does. For example, about a year ago, I shared her unique dream about the strange death – and why – of a bloody gubernatorial candidate in a Middle Belt state of Nigeria whose name she had not previously known. She had woken up announcing, to the disquiet of her mother, “The governor of X State is dead! The governor of X State is dead.”

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VACANT THRONES (Part 3 of 4)

  1. Case Three: Occupied Vacancies

A few months back this year, an Old Testament scripture hit me with a newness that I had never known. I find that scripture an applicable next file to open.  Again, the scripture is a Heavenly announcement about an incumbent earthly king; a Heavenly verdict of which the majority on earth was tragically ignorant, or chose to be vehemently, brutally so, even the man at the centre of the matter (1 Kings 22: 24, 27).   That notice from Heaven came in the discriminated minority voice of a very disliked prophet of God.

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VACANT THRONES (Part 2 of 4)

  1. Case 2: Thrones in Custody

Sometimes someone is on a throne merely as a custodian, until another person should come for whom the ‘custodian’ had been ‘holding brief.’  One day, God confronted Prophet Samuel with the verdict of Heaven about the king incumbent of his nation, saying, “I have rejected him from reigning over Israel” (1 Samuel 16:1).  Note the finality in the simple present tense: “I have…,” not “I will….”  In spite of that very clear notice of sack, Saul remained ‘in office’ for many more years, continuing to enjoy the respected title of “the LORD’S anointed” (1 Samuel 24:10; 26:9, 11, 16, 23), and doing such ‘right’ and ‘righteous’ things as chasing witches in the name of the God that had already declared his throne vacant, of which he probably remained willingly unaware (1 Samuel 28:9).

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Vacant Thrones  (Part 1 of 4) 

The Vision of an Empty Throne 

On Thursday, October 13, 2022, I got a call from a respected brother and minister of the God.  He had had one of his often encounters.  “Oga came again-o,” he said.  I assumed that I knew the boss that he meant – some political ruler; but I was wrong.  It was the Boss, the Lord.  In the vision of the night, he was in the dark throneroom of Nigeria, then a light appeared.  Like a spotlight gradually brightening up a theatre stage, he saw the light as it slowly took up the office.  First, it showed the empty throne, then the flag of Nigeria behind it in the empty office.  Thereafter, a voice announced, “The office and the seat of the presidency vacant.”  At once, he began to plead, “You are the King of kings.  You are the Lord of lords.  You are the President of the nation.  We surrender the nation to You …”  Then, as gradually as the scene had appeared, it began to fade off.  It struck him as a call to more prayers for Nigeria. 

When he told me that experience, it recalled a very similar dream that a seven years old girl at our Monday prayers for the nation had told years ago.  It is reported in the message below.  That was reinforced by my own experience in August 2017.  I was in one of my moments of deep meditations when I heard the words, “vacant thrones.”  I wondered what that might mean.  I came out of that experience with deep insights that were promptly written down and posted out.  It blessed the world then, profoundly.  That is the message below: “Vacant Thrones.” 

 If one should go by the surface interpretation of those encounters; if the throne is vacant and the office empty, who has been there?  Who has been running the show?  Who is about to fill it with whom or what?  What do we do within the window of opportunity?  Five years after, welcome to the message again: “Vacant Thrones.” 

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10 I have refined you, but not as silver is refined. 

Rather, I have refined you in the furnace of suffering. 

11 I will rescue you for my sake — 

yes, for my own sake! 

I will not let my reputation be tarnished, 

and I will not share my glory with idols! 

Isaiah 48:10-11, New Living Translation

  1. Could this be God? 

What we hear in these verses is the direct speech of God, through the voice of His prophet.  If one had heard this through a different voice, it might have been hard to accept it as the authentic word of God, but Isaiah is one whose prophetic authenticity we cannot doubt.  Here, God Himself (not a devil) confesses to being behind the “furnace of suffering” of His chosen one, and states His purpose for the process.  

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