Titles don’t give breakfasts always. Masters there are that are hungrier than servants in name. The Prodigal Son learned that lesson in a hard way. Severely punished by his impetuous haste for independence in a Far Country from home, he confessed his shame. His father’s “many” servants had “bread enough and to spare,” whereas he, master of his own means in a Far Country, cried, “I perish with hunger!” (Luke 15:17). Titles don’t give breakfast. He would rather be a fed and happy servant at home than a hungry and haggard heir and master begging pigs for a bite . His senses had returned.
We should measure some boasts not so much by their flamboyant titles as by how much bread they have and to spare. Mind titles that give no bread, especially titles that take your bread.
From The Preacher’s diary,
January 8, 2019.