The Wrath of a Lamb

Bible theologians have generally spoken of the lamb and the lion sides of Jesus; one side as representing His meekness and love, the other, respectively, as representing His fierceness and fury.   I have come to see, however, that the meek Lamb is not so ‘meek’ after all, and should never be taken for granted.  According to a revelation that one holy man was exceptionally privileged to see, a lamb can also be furious – such shocking fury and wrath that even the rocks and the mountains cannot withstand.

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King Nebuchadnezzar had a golden statue made.  It was ninety feet tall and nine feet wide.  He erected it on the plain of Dara in the province of Babylon. 

Daniel 3:1, New English Translation.

An idol is an idol, whether made of attractive gold or of ugly wood.  Idolatry goes beyond the material of the object, beyond the aesthetic appeal or repulsion of it.  It is in the link it has to the human soul.  

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The Limits of the Best

5  I had a dream that made me afraid. As I was lying in my bed, the images and visions that passed through my mind terrified me. 6 So I commanded that all the wise men of Babylon be brought before me to interpret the dream for me. 7 When the magicians, enchanters, astrologers and diviners came, I told them the dream, but they could not interpret it for me. 8 Finally, Daniel came… 

Daniel 4:5-8, NIV

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I Nebuchadnezzar was at rest in mine house, and flourishing in my palace. 

Daniel 4:4.

  1. When Kings Speak 

People should listen when great kings speak, especially successful ancient kings who made their contributions to the wonders of their time.  Before us is the insightful confession of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, famed in history also for his contribution of hanging gardens to the wonders of the ancient world.  

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