I once heard a preacher say a pidgin parable that hadn’t made much sense to me until now: “Shine your shine, let me shine my shine.”  The underlying message was, there is enough space in the universe for each star to ‘shine their shine’ without competing with or feeling threatened by the other.  When God put the lights in space, this is what was said:

And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also (Genesis 1:16).

According to the Maker, the sun and moon are both “great lights”; all the same, one light is “greater,” and the other is called “the lesser light.”  In other words, all great lights don’t shine the same; all greatness is not the same greatness, yet no greatness should threaten or be threatened by the greatness of the other.  Each light stays in its lane, shining its own light without an effort to outshine the other. 

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Chapter 3 (pp. 37-46)

Costly Offences

Get what start the sinner may, Retribution, for all her lame leg, never quits his track. – Horace
Punishment is justice for the unjust. – Saint Augustine

Contraband Cargo

Offences might be inevitable, which does not excuse the agent through whom they come.   Offences might be inevitable, yet they do not bless the one who grants them a passage.  Jesus prophesied that the love of many would wax cold in the last days because iniquity would abound (Matthew 24:12), yet it does not exonerate the one who commits iniquity in apparent ‘fulfilment’ of that prediction.  It had been prophesied that Jesus would die for the sins of the world, but it was never said that he would be blessed who became Satan’s tool for that condition to the Son of God.

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  1. The Ordination and Introduction

“If God be for us, who can be against us?” Paul asks rhetorically in Romans 8:31. But the other side of the coin is, if God be against us, who can defend us?  That was the ponderous proposal with which Eli confronted his sinning stubborn priestly sons (1 Samuel 2:25).  They had no answer.

In Jeremiah 27:6, God introduced King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon as “my servant.”  That is an honourable title generally reserved for priests, pastors, and preachers.  We call them servants of God, sometimes the “Man of God” (MOG) or the “Woman of God” (WOG) (Psalm 134:1; Titus 1:1; Revelation 10:7; James 1:1).  Wasn’t God making a mistake by ascribing that hallowed title to a heartless heathen king?  If that were even a Cyrus, who supported the restoration of the Jews to their homeland and the rebuilding of the temple, we would understand, but a vicious Nebuchadnezzar!  Hmmm…

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FORGIVENESS – (Series 3)

Doing an injury puts you below your enemy; revenging one, makes you even with him; forgiving it sets you above him. – Nylic Review

To avoid criticism, do nothing, say nothing and be nothing. – Elbert Hubbard

Sure Offences

Trespasses and offences are inevitable on this side of living.  It takes dying to feel no more pain.  According to Jesus the great Jewish teacher, “There will always be temptations” (Luke 17:1, Living Bible).  The King James Version (KJV) says, “It is impossible” for offences to not “come.”  In other words, even if you raised your holy fence so high against offences, and did not go looking for them, they could still “come” over to you in your peaceful house, in your cosy office, in the holy sanctuary; they could “come” to you far up in the sky, out in the lonely desert, at sea, or on land; they could “come” to you anywhere, in multiple shapes and sizes, and times without notice.

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What is Forgiveness? (series 2)

Introduction: A Word of the Lord for 2025

In our previous post, I drew attention to the circumstances informing this series: the prophetic word from Dr Steve Ogan for 2025 and its connections with the book, Forgiveness.  Dr Steve Ogan is a prolific prophetic writer and a global teacher with unique insights into Biblical symbolisms and numerology.  Every year, he writes a yearbook on the prophetic significance of that year, based on the number of the year.  For 2025, his numerological theme is forgiveness, for which he thought that The Preacher’s book, Forgiveness, was a timely classic. 

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Dr Steve Ogan is a prolific prophetic writer and a global teacher with unique insights into Biblical symbolisms and numerology.  Every year, he writes a yearbook on the prophetic significance of that year, based on the number of the year.  For 2025, his numerological theme is forgiveness, for which he thought that The Preacher’s book, Forgiveness, was a timely classic.  Taking his cue as a prophetic directive, serializing that book through the year has been reasonably considered, except for occasional pauses for other prophetic or exhortative interventions.  This is the first in the series, in obedience to the word of the Lord from the mouth of His servant.  Through the lives that shall be impacted by the profound insights from that globally acclaimed classic from Heaven by the mercies of God, we are persuaded that the Lord shall vindicate His word by the mouth of His servant.  Amen.

Below are the amazing voices of many respectable witnesses across the globe, on what they think about the book that you are about to read in series…

REVIEWS… (pp. 5-10)

Here is one of the few books that should be on the ‘must read’ list of all ministers and Christians; a perfect template for addressing lingering vertical and horizontal breaches; a seminal work with the recipe for resolving endemic hurts and enjoying healthy living; an exceptional, topical and practical work.  Unlike other books, this addresses a very practical need in the Body of Christ and the rest of society; a highly recommended ‘must read’ for every Christian and minister.  None of us has any excuse anymore.

Pastor Austen C. Ukachi,
Senior Pastor, He’s Alive Chapel, Lagos.
Chairman, Watchman Prayer Ministries, Nigeria.
Executive Team member, International Prayer Council

Very few books are so detailed and so encompassing.  This is multi-embracing and engaging, encapsulating a wide spectrum of thoughts plus effective actionable and applicable wisdom so richly embedded in its exciting easy-to-read pages. This book on Forgiveness does holistic justice to the subject matter and compels the honest reader to wholeness and wholesome interpersonal relations with God and men. It is a necessary tool for leadership on the secular and ecclesiastical fronts, in the church, bible school libraries, and Sunday schools; invaluable for everyone who would cross the path of another human being. The precision and captivating style of writing is uncommon, endearing and motivating. 

Pastor Obele Ibanga
The Nations Heritage Ministries,


What a great book! The Preacher has been inspired by the Almighty to write a great book on a very great subject in Christianity: forgiveness.  It is a comprehensive treatment of the subject, with copious examples, illustrations and anecdotes enriching it.  The doctrinal approach is top-notch, and the book is well researched.

Dr Daniel K. Olukoya,
General Overseer,
Mountain of Fire and Miracles,

This is an in-depth manual and study on the subject of forgiveness.  With great simplicity, it answers many questions that have plagued the hearts of many believers, sometimes through entire lifetimes. It treats the many aspects of forgiveness in a most practical way, with a clear presentation and balance between the issues of grace and truth.  This book offers many useful tools to every child of God who wishes to experience the full blessings of life in the Messiah, whatever their level of spiritual maturity. There is great wisdom to be found in these pages; wisdom from practical examples and insights both out of the Scripture and out of ordinary daily realities.  

Reuven Berger,
Pastor, Congregation of the Lamb on Mount Zion
Jerusalem, Israel

“Forgiveness benefits the forgiver more than the forgiven,” a quote taken directly from this potent book on forgiveness which is supported with scripture and presents a Biblical worldview.  May every reader be encouraged to search and rid their hearts of any bitter root of unforgiveness.  I am persuaded that this book will transform relationships and lives and encourage all who read it to buy copies to share with friends and family. 

Dr. Pearl Kupe,
International President,
Global Forum of Women Entrepreneurs
The Republic of South Africa

This is a thorough work on the subject. One danger, particularly in our ‘Christian environment,’ is the absence of a balance between forgiveness and repentance. Unsanctified brethren have used ‘forgiveness’ as a weapon to justify unrighteousness and an ‘entitlement mentality’ – the right to be forgiven, no matter what they do.  Hopefully, this work will be a point of reference in the Church.

Pastor Bosun Emmanuel,
Christian Social Movement of Nigeria.

This book intoxicates with laughter … a super interesting book to read.  It illuminates the crucial concerns of what, when, how and why to forgive, bringing to such light the fact that forgiveness is a deliberate choice.

Dr Ben Nebechukwu,
Senior Pastor, Living Word Assembly,

This is a great revelation that has answered great questions of many generations. Forgiveness cannot be properly enjoyed until it is understood. Thanks for sharing this truth at this time.

Bishop Isaac Robert,
Divine Bible Church,

A very comprehensive treatment of the topic of forgiveness.

Martha Sanipe,
Editor and translator,
Ottawa, Canada

This book is powerful.  Of all the books that I have read on the subject of forgiveness, I find this the most practical and theologically sound.  It is Scripture-based, full of revelations, full of nuggets of wisdom, and simply life-transforming.  The scholarly and prophetic approach to the subject is very illuminating.  In a world where offences are unavoidable, this book is a tool for overcoming them and living peaceably with all men (Luke 17:1, Rom 12:18).  I highly recommend it to every serious-minded Christian, especially the minister of the gospel.

Apostle Ben Hanyani Ndobe
Apostolic leader, Dominion Life Cathedral International,
Tembisa, Johannesburg,
The Republic of South Africa

This is an indispensable compendium; the best book I have read on forgiveness.

Dr Steve Ogan
President, Higher Calling Outreach,

This book is a classic that has passed the three basic tests: the spiritual, intellectual, and psychological, transcending geographical, generational, and racial boundaries; a book that will be very relevant to the spiritual pilgrim, mind-tasking for the academician, with nuggets of wisdom and healing balms for the counsellor. I strongly recommend this ever-green classic.  

Blessing Unogwu Michael
Lead Consultant, Pushelp Consult,

This is incisive, expansive, and superbly written; a major contribution to the discourse on forgiveness. This work of The Preacher is highly recommended, especially to understand why forgiveness as a lifestyle is so important. 

Pastor Paul Naughton
Senior pastor of Harvest Church,

A very timely and practical book dealing with the subject of the heart, written in clear and captivating language.  A ‘must read’ and more… 

Minister Anne Omondi
Co-founder, The Sheepfold Ministries,
Head National Coordinator, Wailing Women Worldwide,

I never imagined that forgiveness could be tied to so many life principles. This is definitely a book I would regret if I had not come across. Great work, dear Preacher.

Boma Kontein
Federal University of Petroleum Resources,
Effurun, Warri, Nigeria

This is the most insightful book on forgiveness that I have read. It discusses the subject in a lucid yet simple manner, capturing the difference between offence and trespass, and highlighting the power of forgiveness, amongst other details. It is rich in content, context, illustrations, and biblical support.  This book offers deliverance from the religious guilt imposed by the erroneous assumption that forgiveness connotes denying that the trespass was committed, which pretence makes forgiveness burdensome and fake to the offended.  “Forgiveness is not denial,” according to The Preacher.  This is very profound. I recommend this book to everyone, because no one is
exempt from offence. 

Prof Edith Nwosu
Professor of Corporate Law
Deputy Vice-chancellor, University of Nigeria, Enugu

This book is more than a theological treatise; it is a practical application of an abused doctrine and concept. Many have taught it lopsidedly and raised dysfunctional people, but now we have in our hands the most theological, most practical and applicable book that I have read on offences, transgressions and forgiveness; one book for the experience of a complete shift.

Dr Saturday T. Nbete,
Executive Director, Stnbetebooks & Resources,
Venerable Archdeacon at the Church of Nigeria Anglican Communion

A very timely exposition on Forgiveness; a must read, as we seek to walk in love, build bridges of restoration and reconciliation.  Thank you for allowing God use you to bless us with these truths.

Helen Menkiti
The Preacher desk,
London, United Kingdom

One book written by a seasoned teacher, mentor, and pastor in the Body of Christ.  This is highly recommended for pastors, church leaders, Bible schools and even the secular classroom.

Apostle (Dr) Paul Nchinde
General Overseer, Inistère International Semence et Moisson
Foumbot. Cameroun

This is one of the most interesting books of The Preacher that I have read.  I have enjoyed the humour laced in profound truth.  It is forgiveness seen from different angles. The clarity of expression is impressive.  This is a very insightful exposition on a topic so very well explained.

Gideon Chukualim
Pastor,  The Comforter Centre
Redeemed Christian Church of God
Montréal QC, Canada

A most interesting and awesome book!  As an ardent reader of The Preacher over the years, I thank God for empowering him with unbridled wisdom and tenacity to critically analyse a subject that is central, particularly to the Body of Christ: forgiveness.  This most alluring and scholarly elucidation of the subject is yet another milestone in The Preacher’s collections.  

Ndumiso C. Mamba
Barrister-at-Law, Lincoln’s Inn
Snr Elder, Checkers Family Church,
Mbabane, The Kingdom of Eswatini (Swaziland).

I have enjoyed this powerful book on forgiveness; a clear and concise book that illuminates the truth that forgiveness is a private and personal choice.  The book highlights the thin line between
forgiveness and reconciliation, cataloging critical factors to be engaged for freedom to be enjoyed; freedom from pain, anger, and frustration.  This book has surfaced at the right time, to empower the Church and re-establish God’s principles on forgiveness.  I prayerfully recommend this book to everyone.

Dr. Richard Onebamoi
Living Stone World Worship Centre
Brussels, Belgium

What a book! Typically, The Preacher! Crisp, precise, incisive and full of insights; well-researched and excellently presented.  Simply awesome!  Forgiveness clearly explained.  What sets this book apart is the many scriptural references backing every argument. The Church has been gifted a powerful resource on this topic.  I hope that every Christian reads it. 

Dr Ekan Isang,
The Redeemed Christian Church of God,

This is the first and only text ever read by me that is wholly committed to the exploration of the subject matter from cover to cover. To the best of my knowledge, this book is as theologically sound as it is spiritually edifying. It has the potentials of bringing healing to individuals, families, communities, and nations,
vertically and horizontally. Written by a very sound scholar, one highly versed in spiritual matters with enviable credentials in teaching and research, I strongly recommend this book to everyone who desires a deep understanding of the subject both from the scholarly and the spiritual dimensions.

Prof Joseph B. Kinanee,
Professor of Educational Psychology
Ignatius Ajuru University of Education
Port Harcourt, Nigeria.

Having read
Forgiveness, I am very impressed with its scholarship and depth of examination of the human heart. Few books accomplish both while being true to scripture and honest in dealing with the human condition. This book is a must for every pastor and every Christian who wants to dig below the surface of the subject. It would be an excellent choice as curriculum for ministerial training centers. Pastors and ministers have many opportunities to practice forgiveness and to teach it to others. This is an excellent tool for that purpose. Congratulations on a great contribution to my library. 

Dr. Carl E. Conley, J.D.
Executive Vice President
Faith Community Churches International
Tucson, Arizona, USA


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