Where you stand, or with whom you stand, often says who you are.  One New Testament verse recently made that sense to me; a reference to Judas who had come to the Garden of Gethsemane with soldiers and other enemies to arrest Jesus: “And Judas also, which betrayed him, stood with them” (John 18:5).

That night in the Garden of Gethsemane, there were two groups or companies: one group of disciples stood with Jesus.  The other group comprised Judas who stood “with them” who had come to take Jesus away from the place of prayer to the place of trials.  He was standing with marauders who feared the light of day so much that they preferred the dark night for their wicked works (Matthew 21:46).

Judas bore the title of a disciple.  He was one.  Only a few hours before, he was at the table with Jesus, and could well have widely published how ‘personally close’ to the Master he was (Matthew 26:24-25).  But here, we find him standing with enemies, after we had seen him sitting with the Master at the table.

Whom you stand with says much about where you stand.  The opening verse of the Psalms says, “Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.  Warned” (Psalm 1:1).

In a season of strange political and religious alliances, with whom do you stand?  There are men and women with the title of a Disciple, who sit with us in the public of the Master’s table, but stand with them mighty soldiers and religious warlocks at nights when many are not supposed to be watching.  Take out the name of Judas from that verse, and we can well replace it with the name of some powerful popular public disciple – the newspapers and photos are witnesses: ““And [Bishop, Rev. Dr. Apostle] Judas also … stood with them.” Betrayals. The noose may not be far …  then the Heavens may announce again, “and his bishoprick let another take” (Acts 1:20).

From The Preacher’s diary,
February 19, 2024.

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Chinaka Emmanuel Ogwo
Chinaka Emmanuel Ogwo
11 months ago

Truly speaking,who you stand with matters and who those around you stands with also has a big volume in one’s life because it is from there They gather knowledge and relate their personal information. One just have to be with God and also be very careful with those around but still Trusting GOD for the best.

Nwando Babalobi
Nwando Babalobi
11 months ago

Hmm! Lord, do not let us sink into spiritual bipolarity.Disciple according to men, treacherous villain in heaven’s unalloyed assessment. No, Lord, not for gain nor reward! We will not, we should not splash that infamy on your peerless name.

Queen Ikumi
Queen Ikumi
11 months ago

To stand with God, we must be separated from the enemies of God.

Duru Clifford Chuka
Duru Clifford Chuka
11 months ago

Psalm 1 v 1: No DIVINE blessing comes to the ‘believer’ whose influencer and role model is he who knows not God, and who follows the precepts and methods of the ungodly to achieve results in the name of the Lord; who is no stranger to the terrain of sinners, approving their cravings by participation or inaction; who not only keeps company with those that mock God but enjoys such company while it lasts.

God is telling the believers through the Preacher that we are not different from the company we keep because such companies influence our choices and perspectives. ‘Evil communication corrupts good manners’, the Lord seems to be reminding us.

Oluwakemi adesina
Oluwakemi adesina
11 months ago

Unconsciously because people have not completely rid themselves of the cared of this world, accompanied chiefly by Greed, they slip into these unholy alliances. Like apostle Paul said we must constantly examine ourselves to see if we are still standing. May God help us all in Jesus name

Godwin Saliu
Godwin Saliu
11 months ago

This work is a great blessing keep it up God bless you

Mary Kokoyo Edem
Mary Kokoyo Edem
11 months ago

DADDY, the grace to always stand with You and in You please grant unto me /us in JESUS mighty name.

Emmanuel Boms Sylvanus
Emmanuel Boms Sylvanus
11 months ago


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