We have four new books ready for press:

  1. Balaam: Prophetic Pitfalls,
  2. Beyond Holiness,
  3. Stray Bullets: Psychic Interference of the Natural, and
  4. Mystic Markets.

The Printer has since given us a bill of N1,874,750 (a million, eight hundred and seventy-four thousand, seven hundred and fifty naira only), which is about $1,500 (a thousand and five hundred dollars only) for a first print of 1,000 copies only of each of the four books, while we are working to have them also on Amazon/Kindle before May 2, 2024.  Meanwhile, five other books are ready to follow after these.

We are persuaded that there is one of God’s children, one of our readers, whom He has “commanded” to undertake this project (1 Kings 17:9), which is why we are bold to put out this notice, as we would not usually do.  If you are not that person, no problem.  Please, pray.  If you are that person, kindly reach us at The Preacher office: Sister Hope: +234 803 5115 164; Brother Kontein: +234 803 3388 489; or by email:, or you might wish to do a direct anonymous transfer to any of the following accounts: The Preacher, Access Bank (Nigeria), 0000 788 064 or The Preacher UK, Barclays Bank, Account No: 23974367;  Sort code: 20-44-91; IBAN code: IBNGB22BARC20449123 974 367 or PayPal, The Preacher UK PayPal account:

We shall hear from you. God bless you. “The Lord gave the word: great was the company of those that published it” (Psalm 68:11).  Welcome to the great “company” of God’s publishers.

The Preacher

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